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Career Experience

Start Your Career

Community Health Career Field

The Career Experience team provides numerous opportunities for students to build career-related skills and connect with employers through events and experiential learning activities. Students benefit from faculty support and encouragement to pursue new hands-on experiences that align with their future career goals.

The mission of our department is to support the academic programs at Northwest Vista College by designing, implementing, and managing services and programs that meet the career and educational development and employment needs of our students.

Transform every student’s life through Experiential Learning.

  • Students


    If students are completing projects/events on their own, they should be submitting the student-initiated form in order to be awarded experiential learning credit on their non-academic or co-curricular transcript. 

    Student-Initiated FORM
    Students will only need to complete the form and answer the 3 reflection questions on the form to be awarded credit on their co-curricular transcript.

    Northwest Vista College recognizes the importance of organized student organizations as an integral component of the total educational experience of the student. NVC students have the opportunity for membership in cultural, recreational, religious, governance, honor, social, political, and service organizations. Student organizations offer opportunities to enhance students’ academic and social life on campus!



    Career in STEM


    What is an AlamoEXPERIENCE Transcript?
    A students’ AlamoEXPERIENCE Transcript is a verified record, documenting student’s engagement, to include experiential learning experiences to highlight career readiness and marketable skills.

    At NVC, we believe that service is an essential part of being a member of a community. NVC sponsors a variety of service projects each semester to meet the needs of the community and our volunteers. We also reach out to community non-profits to share their needs with our students as well. Everyone is welcome to participate!

  • Resources

    Document my Experience: 

    Student-Initiated FORM


    NVC Career Services:

    NVC Career Services 


    Helpful Resources:

    Indeed - a free job search engine

    Onet Online - includes job defini9ons with details such as skills needed, educa9on level needed, pay ranges and outlook for job

    What Can I Do With This Major  - jobs available based on major

    Texas Reality Check - this will show you how much your living expenses will cost and the amount of money you will need to earn to pay for them

    Glassdoor - employees review workplaces

    Handshake - an online recrui9ng placorm for students

    LinkedIn - professional network

    Career Exploration

    NVC Community Service 


Experience Transcript

What is an experience transcript?
An experience transcript is an esteemed record of a collegiate experience. Similar to how the academic transcript lists every course taken and grades received, the experience transcript documents the student’s involvement in activities and other educational experiences in & outside of the classroom. The experience transcript provides a holistic view of the student’s developing skills while capturing their unique journey through higher education. All the information presented on an experience transcript is validated by Northwest Vista College.

What will be on my Northwest Vista College Transcript?
The NW Vista Experience Transcript reflects upon the student’s involvement in learning experiences developing their marketable skills. Experiences recorded on the transcript will align under 4 different categories:

  • Co-Curricular Learning: (Activities related to course curriculum; ex. Guest/Public Speaker, Panel)
  • Extra-Curricular: (Activities that foster student involvement and/or strengthen the culture of the institution; ex. Clubs, Student Organization, Interest Group, Sports)
  • Field Experience: (Activities related to career exploration; ex. Internships, Practicums, Job Shadowing)
  • Service Learning/Community Service: (Guided service activities related to helping others; ex. Food Pantry, Habitat for Humanity)


What are the Marketable Skills listed on the transcript?
The Alamo Colleges District has identified the NACE Career Readiness competencies as a series of marketable skills all students should have exposure to during their time at NW Vista.  In order to measure student growth in these areas, we have noted specific opportunities that provide students experience developing these skills, and progression towards each outcome, on the NW Vista Experience Transcript.

  • Career & Self-Development - Proactively develop oneself and one’s career through continual personal and professional learning, awareness of one’s strengths and weaknesses, navigation of career opportunities, and networking to build relationships within and without one’s organization.
  • Communication - Clearly and effectively exchange information, ideas, facts, and perspectives with persons inside and outside of an organization.
  • Critical Thinking - Identify and respond to needs based upon an understanding of situational context and logical analysis of relevant information.
  • Empirical and Quantitative Skills - The ability to manipulate and analyze numerical data or observable facts resulting in informed conclusions.
  • Leadership - Recognize and capitalize on personal and team strengths to achieve organizational goals.
  • Professionalism - Knowing work environments differ greatly, understand and demonstrate effective work habits, and act in the interest of the larger community and workplace.
  • Social Responsibility - Intercultural competence, knowledge of civic responsibility, and the ability to engage effectively in regional, national, and global communities.
  • Teamwork - Build and maintain collaborative relationships to work effectively toward common goals, while appreciating diverse viewpoints and shared responsibilities.
  • Technology - Understand and leverage technologies ethically to enhance efficiencies, complete tasks, and accomplish goals.


Career in Faculty

Click Here for Video: How to Request Transcript

How should I use the NVC Experience Transcript?
The NVC Experience Transcript can be used to enhance a student’s resume when applying for a job or professional schools.  The transcript provides students with the leverage needed to advance their career for those employers seeking evidence of specific marketable skills. The transcript is also a tool for reflection; an opportunity for students to clearly articulate the accomplishments and experiences during their time at Northwest Vista College


Where can I access my NW Vista Experience Transcript?

How to login and find your AlamoExperience Transcript: 1) Login to ACES & select the Student Tab, 2) Click on AlamoExperience link & Sign In, 3) Click on the top-right of your account, 4) Click on Experience Transcript, 5) Print and/or Save as a PDF file



Questions about your NVC Experience Transcript?
Questions or points of clarification can be emailed to


You can also visit our office in the Desert Willow Welcome Center. When you arrive please notify our colleagues at the front desk that you are here to meet with the ‘Career Experience & Internships’ Office.


Experiential Learning Types

  • Co-Curricular Learning: Activities related to course curriculum; ex. Public Speakers, Panels

  • Extra-Curricular: Activities that foster student involvement and strengthen the culture of the institution; ​ex. Clubs, Student Organization, Interest Group, Sports

  • Field Experience: Activities related to career application; ex. Internships, Practicums​, Job Shadowing

  • Service Learning/Community Service: Guided service to the community that is related to instruction; ex. Food Pantry, Habit for Humanity

Food Pantry

Faculty & Staff

The AlamoExperience model + Handshake partners with employers to ensure every student connects to an experiential learning experience, to provide students with the opportunity to explore career choices and develop relevant connections in their chosen industry.

Example of an Experience Transcript:



Career in Faculty


What is an AlamoEXPERIENCE Transcript?
A students’ AlamoEXPERIENCE Transcript is a verified record, documenting student’s engagement, to include experiential learning experiences to highlight career readiness and marketable skills.

How to login and find your AlamoExperience Transcript: 1) Login to ACES & select the Student Tab, 2) Click on AlamoExperience link & Sign In, 3) Click on the top-right of your account, 4) Click on Experience Transcript, 5) Print and/or Save as a PDF file


Email: nvc-experience@garfie1d.com

Phone: (210) 486-4090

Career in Water Sciences